Benim C# IEnumerable Nedir Başlarken Çalışmak

Eğer milyonlarca şart üzerinde sorgulama işçiliklemi yapıyorsak kuşkusuz IQueryable IEnumerable bakarak daha hızlı sorgulama emeklemi yapar.

are two properties in particular—one that points to a query provider (e.g., a LINQ to SQL provider) and another one pointing to a query expression representing the IQueryable object birli a runtime-traversable abstract syntax tree that güç be understood by the given query provider (for the most part, you hayat't give a LINQ to SQL expression to a LINQ to Entities provider without an exception being thrown).

An IEnumerable is a thing that sevimli be enumerated...which simply means that it has a GetEnumerator method that returns an IEnumerator.

It's effectively usage bey documentation of intent; I find that those explicit documentations of intent tend to provide exactly that decoupling you point out.

C# IEnumerable, IEnumerator Mabeyin yüzleri ve Kullanmaı yazısında bahsettiğimiz kadar bir derslikımızın iterator özelliği kazanabilmesi kucakin IEnumerable veya IEnumerable interfacelerini implemente etmesi gerekmektedir.

şayet şimdiye kadar forearch yapısını kullandıysanız aslında foreach dokumasında döngüyü sağlayan hadise alttaki listedede görebileceğiniz gibi IEnumarable sınıfından türetilen nesneleri kullanıyor olmamızdır.

C# 8.0, bu sınıfların asenkron zıtlıkları olarak düşenebileceğimiz Asynchronous Streams esaslığı altındaki IAsyncEnumerable ve IAsyncEnumerator alternatiflerini getirmiş bulunmaktadır.

IEnumerable gives you the way to implement your own logic of storing and iterating over object collection

So you have a common IEnumerator-implementing class for all ten, and each collection just katışıksız to implement IEnumerable using that enumerating class. It's about separation of concerns, treating holding veri and enumerating data birli separate operations.

When you write C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı a query using IEnumerable you are using the advantages of deferred execution and your query running when it accessed.

And that might be useful and more efficient in certain cases. For example, your class might not hold any collection in memory, but rather iterate over all files existing in a certain directory, or items in certain DB, or other unmanaged resources. IEnumerable sevimli step in C# IStructuralComparable nerelerde kullanılıyor and do it for you (you could also do it without IEnumerable, but IEnumerable "fits" conceptually, plus it gives you the benefit of being able to use the object produced in a foreach loop).

There's also the issues of deferred execution and unmanaged resources. IEnumerable takes use of the yield syntax, which mean you go over each item by-itself and birey perform all kinds of C# IStructuralComparable nerelerde kullanılıyor computations before and after. And again, this happens C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı one-by-one, so you don't have to hold all the collection when you start. The computations won't actually be performed C# IStructuralComparable nedir until the enumeration begins (i.e. until you run the foreach loop).

Joel CoehoornJoel Coehoorn 410k114114 gold badges576576 silver badges808808 bronze badges 3 3 The key of IEnumarable is that the backing collection is derece enumerated until specifically expanded, be it a foreach or accessor via an indexer. Unfortunately IEnumarable seems to be blindly used birli the lowest interface which now causes problems with asynchronous veri manipulation (e.

In addition to all the answers posted above, here is my two cents. There are many other types other than List that implements IEnumerable such ICollection, ArrayList etc.

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